Contact Us

Please get in touch!

For Emergencies please call 911. This is for non-urgent inquiries and questions.

At Morrill County Community Hospital everyone should feel comfortable to speak his or her mind, particularly with respect to ethics concerns. The facility will investigate all reported instances of questionable or unethical behavior. Get in touch with us via the form below and we'll get back to you as soon as possible! 

Our Location

Find us on the map

Make an Appointment

308 262 1616 : Hospital

308 262 1755 : Clinic

308 279 7010 : Specialty Clinic

308 262 7164 : Home Health

308 586 1717 : Chimney Rock Medical Center

308 262 7133 : Professional Plaza

308 262 1600 : Rehabilitation Services

308 262 7822 : Cardiopulmonary Services 

308 262 7534 : MedSpa Services

Hours of Operation

Emergency Department Open 24/7


What Our Clients Say About Us

  • "Coming soon!"